Hey everyone, my name is Nick and I am an avid war gamer, behind school of course. A little bit about me, I am in school, so I do not have the time to play wargames everyday but I do try to play at least once a week. So let's learn a little bit about my table-top history and armies.
I started playing Warhammer 40k during 6th edition. I was in Texas and walked into a local Games Workshop, not knowing what it was, with my dad and immediately told him that I had to get into wargaming and play with toy soldiers and armies again. From there I bought a Dark Vengeance Starter set and that kicked off my table-top career. With the (then) recently released Dark Angels Codex, I amassed about 3,000 points of Dark Angels. I played them for a while and enjoyed it but it still did not feel like an army I wanted to keep playing, so, as a wargamer, researched the armies out there some more and came to my main force: Tau. I have maintained and played the Tau for about a year and recently decided that I should jump on to the Space Marine fun. I picked up Blood Angels and have enjoyed playing them (even though I lose every time). With the new Dark Eldar release, Andrew and I decided that since we do not have a Dark Eldar player I should start and I have started collecting them now too.
I also play other table-top games: Bolt Action, Warmachine/Hordes, and Malifaux. I play the British in Bolt Action and Tank Wars; Protectorate of Menoth, Retribution of Scyrah, and Legion of Everblight in Warmachine/Hordes; and the Resurrectionists in Malifaux.
As Andrew stated, this is a blog about table-top gaming. If you have any questions, comment below, and may the dice gods be in your favor!
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